
Cheapest Countries for MBBS for International Students in 2024: Low-Cost Colleges

Nisha Menon Nisha Menon

5 min read

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 Cheapest Countries for MBBS for International Students in 2024: Low-Cost Colleges

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Frequently Asked Questions

What are the minimum marks required for NEET?

To be eligible for the National Eligibility cum Entrance Test (NEET), you need to score a minimum of 50%, which equates to at least 350 out of 800 points.

Is MBBS education in Germany tuition-free?

Yes, MBBS education in Germany is largely tuition-free as most public universities do not charge tuition fees. However, this exemption does not apply to private universities.

Is NEET necessary for MBBS in Canada?

Yes, Indian students must achieve good scores in the NEET exam to pursue an MBBS (Doctor of Medicine) in Canada.

In which country is NEET not mandatory for MBBS?

If Indian students are unable to pass the NEET or wish to explore alternative medical education options, they can pursue MBBS abroad. Countries such as the USA, UK, Russia, Ukraine, China, and the Philippines offer MBBS programs without requiring NEET.
Nisha Menon

Nisha Menon

Sr. Content Marketing Specialist

Nisha Menon is our seasoned content writer with over 5 years of expertise in content marketing. Nisha combines her profound knowledge with skillful SEO practices to craft content that informs and engages. Beyond her writing prowess, she specializes in content related to Immigration and PR services, her commitment to continuous learning keeps her well-versed with the latest industry trends. In her leisure moments, she finds solace in creativity and embarks on travel adventures. Her unyielding commitment to seeking inspiration blends harmoniously with her love for exploring new horizons.

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