International Skilled Workers: Occupations in Demand in Canada in 2024
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Do you have the minimum one year of work experience and are willing to immigrate to Canada? Check out the list of occupations in demand in Canada.
Canada has been one of the top most preferred destinations by expats from all around. There is no second doubt that Canada could be your best choice when looking for permanent residency abroad and as we are well aware, the Federal Skilled Worker Program (FSWP) is one of the major contributors to skilled worker immigration with respect to Canada PR.
The nation offers federal and provincial economic immigration pathways concerning specific work experience eligibility. Currently, Canada has a long list of NOC demand in Canada with more than 1,031,955 vacancies or in-demand occupations, hence greater chances of employment along with the scope of securing a Canada PR visa.
The eligibility and skill sets for Canada temporary work visa or PR visa however vary depending on the program and are also further iterated to suit the NOC demand list in Canada.
Skilled occupation list Canada: Occupations in demand
Currently, there are 9 majorly in demand occupations in Canada. As we are aware the federal Government of Canada uses the National Occupation Classification NOC code system to diversify the categories and subcategories of professions in the nation.
NOC code is a 5 digit number specific or varying for every individual job profile. The ‘first digit’ of the code in the Canada NOC list always highlights the industry of the respective profession or occupation.
*Calculate your Canada Immigration eligibility right away.
1. Digit “0” – Legislative and Senior management occupations
NOC codes |
00010 |
00011 |
00012 |
00013 |
00014 |
00015 |
2. Digit “1” – Business, Finance and Administration
NOC Codes |
10010 |
10011 |
10012 |
10019 |
10020 |
10021 |
10022 |
10029 |
10030 |
11100 |
11101 |
11102 |
11103 |
11109 |
11200 |
11201 |
11202 |
12010 |
12011 |
12012 |
12013 |
12100 |
12101 |
12102 |
12103 |
12104 |
12110 |
12111 |
12112 |
12113 |
12200 |
12201 |
12202 |
12203 |
13100 |
13101 |
13102 |
13110 |
13111 |
13112 |
13200 |
13201 |
14100 |
14101 |
14102 |
14103 |
14110 |
14111 |
14112 |
14200 |
14201 |
14202 |
14300 |
14301 |
14400 |
14401 |
14402 |
14403 |
14404 |
14405 |
3. Digit “2” – Natural and Applied Science related occupations
NOC Codes | |||
20010 | 20011 | 20012 | 21100 |
21101 | 21102 | 21103 | 21109 |
21110 | 21111 | 21112 | 21120 |
21200 | 21201 | 21202 | 21203 |
21210 | 21211 | 21220 | 21221 |
21222 | 21223 | 21230 | 21231 |
21232 | 21233 | 21234 | 21300 |
21301 | 21310 | 21311 | 21320 |
21321 | 21322 | 21330 | 21331 |
21332 | 21390 | 21399 | 22100 |
22101 | 22111 | 22112 | 22113 |
22114 | 22210 | 22211 | 22212 |
22214 | 22220 | 22221 | 22222 |
22230 | 22231 | 22232 | 22233 |
22300 | 22301 | 22302 | 22303 |
22303 | 22310 | 22311 | 22313 |
4. Digit “3” – Health Occupations
NOC Codes | |||
30010 | 31100 | 31101 | 31102 |
31103 | 31110 | 31111 | 31112 |
31120 | 31121 | 31200 | 31201 |
31202 | 31203 | 31204 | 31209 |
31300 | 31301 | 31302 | 31303 |
32100 | 32101 | 32102 | 32103 |
32104 | 32109 | 32110 | 32111 |
32112 | 32120 | 32121 | 32122 |
32123 | 32124 | 32129 | 32200 |
32201 | 32209 | 33100 | 33101 |
33102 | 33103 | 33109 | - |
5. Digit “4” – Education, Law and Social, Community and government services occupations
NOC Codes | |||
40010 | 40011 | 40012 | 40019 |
40020 | 40021 | 40030 | 40040 |
40041 | 40042 | 41100 | 41101 |
41200 | 41201 | 41210 | 41220 |
41221 | 41300 | 41301 | 41302 |
41310 | 41311 | 41320 | 41321 |
41400 | 41401 | 41402 | 41403 |
41404 | 41405 | 41406 | 41407 |
41409 | 42100 | 42101 | 42102 |
42200 | 42201 | 42202 | 42203 |
42204 | 43100 | 43109 | 43200 |
43201 | 43202 | 43203 | 43204 |
44100 | 44101 | 44200 | 45100 |
6. Digit “5” – Art, culture, recreation, and sports
NOC Codes | |||
50010 | 50011 | 50012 | 51100 |
51102 | 51110 | 51111 | 51112 |
51113 | 51114 | 51120 | 51121 |
51122 | 52100 | 52111 | 52112 |
52113 | 52114 | 52119 | 52120 |
52121 | 53100 | 53111 | 53120 |
53121 | 53122 | 53123 | 53124 |
53125 | 53200 | 53201 | 53202 |
54100 | 55109 |
7. Digit “6” – Sales and service
NOC Codes | |||
60010 | 60020 | 60030 | 60031 |
60040 | 62010 | 62020 | 62021 |
62022 | 62023 | 62024 | 62029 |
62100 | 62101 | 62200 | 62201 |
62202 | 63100 | 63101 | 63102 |
63200 | 63201 | 63202 | 63210 |
63211 | 63220 | 63221 | 64100 |
64101 | 64200 | 64201 | 64300 |
64301 | 64310 | 64311 | 64312 |
64313 | 64314 | 64320 | 64321 |
64322 | 64400 | 64401 | 64409 |
64410 | 65100 | 65101 | 65102 |
65109 | 65200 | 65201 | 65202 |
65210 | 65211 | 65220 | 65229 |
65310 | 65311 | 65312 | 65320 |
65329 |
8. Digit “7” – Trades, transport, and equipment operators-related occupations
NOC Codes | |||
70011 | 70012 | 70020 | 70021 |
72010 | 72011 | 72012 | 72013 |
72014 | 72020 | 72021 | 72022 |
72023 | 72024 | 72025 | 72100 |
72101 | 72102 | 72103 | 72104 |
72105 | 72106 | 72200 | 72201 |
72202 | 72203 | 72204 | 72205 |
72300 | 72302 | 72310 | 72311 |
72320 | 72321 | 72400 | 72401 |
72402 | 72403 | 72404 | 72405 |
72406 | 72410 | 72411 | 72420 |
72421 | 72422 | 72423 | 72429 |
72500 | 72501 | 72600 | 72601 |
72602 | 72603 | 72604 | 72999 |
73100 | 73101 | 73102 | 73110 |
73111 | 73112 | 73113 | 73200 |
73201 | 73202 | 73209 | 73300 |
73301 | 73310 | 73311 | 73400 |
73401 | 73402 | 74100 | 74101 |
74102 | 74200 | 74201 | 74202 |
74203 | 74205 | 75100 | 75101 |
75110 | 75119 | 75200 | 75201 |
75210 | 75211 | 75212 |
9. Digit “8” – Natural resources, Agriculture, and related production occupations
NOC Codes | |||
80010 | 80020 | 80021 | 80022 |
82010 | 82020 | 82021 | 82030 |
82031 | 83100 | 83101 | 83110 |
83120 | 83121 | 84100 | 84101 |
84110 | 84111 | 84120 | 84121 |
85100 | 85101 | 85102 | 85103 |
85104 | 85110 | 85111 | 85120 |
85121 |
10. Digit “9” – Occupations into manufacturing and utilities.
NOC Codes | |||
90010 | 90011 | 92010 | 92011 |
92012 | 92013 | 92014 | 92015 |
92020 | 92021 | 92022 | 92023 |
92024 | 92100 | 92101 | 93100 |
93101 | 93102 | 93200 | 94100 |
94101 | 94102 | 94103 | 94104 |
94105 | 94106 | 94107 | 94110 |
94111 | 94112 | 94120 | 94121 |
94122 | 94123 | 94124 | 94129 |
94130 | 94131 | 94132 | 94133 |
94140 | 94141 | 94143 | 94150 |
94151 | 94152 | 94153 | 94200 |
94201 | 94202 | 94203 | 94204 |
94205 | 94210 | 94211 | 94212 |
94213 | 94219 | 95100 | 95101 |
95102 | 95103 | 95104 | 95106 |
95107 | 95109 |
Work in Canada
The Canada NOC list is pretty long comprising different work or occupation categorizations. Temporary workers in Canada are expected to have a temporary work permit, while people wanting to work in Canada permanently will require a Canada PR visa.
Different programs through which aspirants can immigrate to Canada for work include:
1. Temporary Work Visa
2. Temporary Foreign Workers Program (applicant needs to submit LMIA document to qualify under this program)
3. International Mobility Program
Candidates wanting to migrate for permanent work purposes can apply through economic gateways under the Express Entry Programs or Provincial Nominee Programs.
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Employment market in Canada
The employment market in Canada is currently booming as we can also note that in demand opportunities as per the Canadian occupation list are also quite many. Though there are different types of visas to immigrate to Canada, the specifically named Canada Work permit includes - Open Work Permit (unrestricted work permit and restricted work permit) and a Closed Work Permit.
The labour force survey 2022 - December highlights that Canada witnessed a healthy consistent growth in the average hourly pay for employees sustained at 5% consecutively for 7 months followed by an increase to 5.1% year-on-year rate.
If we have a look into the employment outcomes in Canada it can as well be noted that the outcomes have quite improved for different age groups in Canada which include employees aged between 15 to 24 years have increased by 2.7% while the employees of age 55 and above witnessed an increase of more than 31,000 jobs.
Mapping Your Roadways to Canada With GetGIS
Now that you have been familiarized with the active (in demand) occupations in Canada, it is high time to step up and proceed with fulfilling your dreams to land in the maple leaf country.
In search of a deeper understanding concerning the eligibility requirements for the Canada occupation in demand list or the immigration process in detail for Express Entry, Provincial Nominee Program, or temporary work permits, along with the tips to improve your CRS scores.
Learn every bit and piece of the details about Canada Immigration with GetGIS. GetGIS is the only one in the industry that follows Tech enabled interface to imbibe you with one the best user experience possible.
Book your consultation absolutely free with our immigration experts who would facilitate the smoothest application journey along with the benefits of job search assistance, IELTS training, the application process, documentation and many more emphasized to following a customer-centric approach.
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